Make sure the following appears at the beginning of your letter:

  • Your name

  • Your student ID number

  • The date

  • The recipient’s contact information

Here is how we recommend constructing your letter:

Paragraph 1: Reason for your letter

The introduction should give a brief overview of your case. Why are you writing this letter? What outcome are you hoping to achieve by filing an appeal? Identify who you are filing a grievance against and why you found their decision/action to be unfair. Only include information pertinent to your case, such as the individual you are grieving against, their action/decision involved, the term in which this event occurred, etc.

Paragraph 2: Facts and facts only

The second paragraph should give a detailed, chronological description of events that led to your situation. Be sure to address what happened, when, where, and who was involved. Be clear and specific. This will likely be the longest portion of your letter, try not to overwhelm the reader with unnecessary details which are not pertinent to your case.

Paragraph 3: Appeals

Now that you have explained all the events leading up to your appeal, you should address specifically, your reasons for filing a grievance. This is where you may go into detail about the nature of your complaint. What impact has this situation had on you (personal, professional, academic, mental/physical health, long-term, short-term, etc.)? Why are you writing this grievance?  Why is it important that your situation be resolved? What solution do you hope will come from this? What future consequences might this situation have on you or other students if it is not resolved?

Paragraph 4: Closing

Finally, be sure to address any supporting documentation you have included, what it is, and why it is important to your case. Reaffirm the importance of your case and its impact on your life. Be sure to thank the reader for taking the time to read through and consider the details of your case.


{Your signature}

Type your name

Type your GT ID Number