Requesting Accommodations
To receive accommodations and services, students must identify themselves to the Office of Disability Services and present official documentation of their disability. Please review the ODS Intake Process document to learn more.
Definition and Documentation
Learn more about the University System of Georgia's definition of disability and guidelines for documentation.
Documentation Guidelines
Documentation must include the following components:
- Completed by a licensed or credentialed professional.
- Describes the impact of the disability in the academic environment.
- Describes the functional limitations of the disability and the specifics it has in the academic environment.
- A description of the expected duration, frequency, severity, and progression of the condition (if applicable).
- A description of accommodation utilized in the past.
Examples of Disability Documentation
- Educational, psychological, or medical records.
- Reports and assessments created by healthcare providers and psychologists. Supplemental documentation may include 504 plans, and IEP’s, but additional documents may be required.
- Documents that reflect education and accommodation history, such as Audiology Reports and Vision Assessments.
- Statement from a healthcare or other service professional.