What is AIM?
The Accessibility Information Management (AIM) system is an online application for students and faculty that provides a myriad of functions related to the Office of Disability Services, including processing accommodations requests and renewals, and scheduling and approving exams with the Testing Center.
Georgia Tech students must be registered with ODS before being able to use the AIM app.
The AIM Menu
- View approved accommodations
- Request Faculty Notification Letters
- Schedule an Exam
- Upload an Exam
Requesting Faculty Notification Letters
To request accommodation letters for faculty:
- Log into AIM with your GT ID and password. This will land you on your AIM home page.
- Select "My Dashboard" from your AIM homepage, located on the left side of the screen in the gray box.
- Scroll down and select the classes for which you require accommodations
- Select which accommodations you require for each course (Note: "Exam Accommodations" includes all of your testing accommodations. They will all print out individually on your letters. Click on "My Eligibility" to see a complete list of your approved accommodations).
- Click "Submit Your Accommodation Requests" located at the bottom of the page. Your letters will be emailed you once the Disability Services staff approves your request (within 24 hours).
A copy of your Faculty Notification Letter will be emailed to you. Because they are customized for each course, you will get a separate one for each of your classes. You are required to meet with each of your faculty to go over its contents and course requirements.
If you add a course during drop/add, you must log in and request your Faculty Notification Letter for the new course.